What is cardio bodyweight fitness training?

By cardio or cardio bodyweight fit training, we mean a cardiovascular training session in which the cardiorespiratory system is subjected to training stimuli.

Cardio can have a purely aerobic component where external resistances are less than 30% of our maximum strength (running, cycling, swimming, etc.), or it can involve the muscles more using free-body circuits or with tools (kettlebells, barbells, etc.) handlebars, etc.)

In the first case, we can opt for long and constant sessions (cardio LISS and MISS) or for short and intense anaerobic lactacid workouts (HIIT workouts). Instead, we prefer a lactacid training component in the circuits, and the training sessions are shorter but longer exhausting. Depending on the person's level, goals, and preferences, we can opt for one workout or the other (or a mix of the two).

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When to do cardio before or after weight

    Cardio training can lower the contractile capacity of the muscles and weaken the alactacid / lactacid anaerobic system. For this reason, if our first goal is to train muscle mass, it is better to do it after training with weights. It should be remembered that a high energy expenditure after resistance activity lowers the anabolic drive of muscle growth. So it's better not to overdo it. Although post-workout cardio consumes more fat, there is no real difference in weight loss programs, whether done post-workout or in a separate session.
    Ultimately, it is better for those who do weights to do cardio, preferably on recovery days, not exaggerating with the intensity (cardio LISS or MISS).

    Fat Burning Cardio Workout

    Aerobic training is used a lot for weight loss. In reality, it makes you lose weight only because it increases energy expenditure and not because you burn more fat. There is no real caloric advantage between HIIT and LISS training, so it is better to prefer what we like best and impact less with the recovery of other sports activities. The much-vaunted EPOC as a fat-burning effect of HIIT training is not more beneficial than running at low intensity for an hour. Intense circuit cardio workouts preserve muscle mass even if their effect stops at the anti-catabolic and non-anabolic ones.
    Cardio for weight loss programs remains an excellent strategy to increase the calorie deficit without excessively reducing calories.

      Regular Meals: 

      Take a healthy, well-balanced diet during your weight loss period, for if you keep on going for irregular meals without a specific plan, it may bring you stomach problems and may not reduce your weight that a healthy diet plan would do. Our body needs calories, proteins, minerals, which are essential parts of a well-balanced diet; therefore, you should provide your body these necessary essentials like proteins, vitamins, minerals, and a balanced amount of starch. However, you can cut on fats and fatty acids that cause obesity at a wider level. Regular meals make your body healthy, active, and prone to exercise, whereas irregular meals make your body sick, unhealthy, and lethargic that are reluctant to take up any exercise. A healthy body keeps a healthy mind, it is imperative to maintain both, and both depend on the quality of food that we take day and night. Make a regular plan for your dieting period, and don't forget to add the essential parts of a balanced diet that your body requires. Extend your diet plan for a week, fortnight, or month and determine how much you want to reduce in that specific time frame. Regular meal and diet plan should be meant for reducing weight nor gaining it, do not put yourself in tension, just relax and go ahead with your plan to reduce weight for which you have made up your mind. 

      Running & Brisk Walk:

       Another excellent option to reduce weight is running. You can fix a timetable for a day and determine the maximum running you need and can afford during your time slots. Treadmill, if available, is an optimized option to reduce weight instantly. 15-30 minutes daily running on the treadmill would instantly reduce your weight. To reduce instantly, a brisk walk is also beneficial as many bulky people like to walk instead of traveling on a car or bike. Daily morning walk or evening walk can be a helpful sport to reduce your weight naturally. The benefits of walking and running are that they built up your body muscles, especially provide force & strength to calf muscles, increase blood circulation and ultimately make your lungs and heart stronger than before. Walking and running is a close secret to weight loss activity or plan. Walking and running are ideal for people who have tried dieting Yoga, gym, doctor's advice, and other tactics. The daily walk is the best option to overweight as it is the natural process of moving your body in all directions and thus strengthens your skeleton muscles. Walking increases oxygen intake in your body, thus making lung and heart muscles stronger and provides overall health benefits. Walking burns extra fats naturally and maintains blood pressure, and reduces cholesterol. 


      To reduce weight, a natural process is to acquire sleep that is healthy & important for the human body. If you sleep less than 7-8 hours, your body will activate the hunger process that motivates you to eat more & more to fulfill your body's needs. If you want to reduce instantly, you should sleep for at least 7-8 hours or even more than that.  

      Know-How Much You Eat: 

      You should know how much you eat in a day and how much you drink throughout the day. If your drinking and eating are balanced, then increasing your drinking habit instead of eating for more water intake would reduce more weight. Water will dissolve all sorts of fats, fuels, and raw materials from your body in the form of an excretion process. Increase water intake would activate your circulation process and expel all extra or harmful material from your body. Water acts as a flushing fluid for your body. Check your eating habits and avoid snacks for these really cause overweight and increase your appetite. Be careful on drinks too. You should always prefer plain and lukewarm water instead of cold drinks as all drinks contain processed sugar which is the main cause of overweight. Plain water dissolves impurities from your blood and maintains sugar levels in the body. In contrast, the multiple drinks available in the market contain a larger amount of processed sugar, the first and final source of incurring various diseases in your body being overweight. Drink more and eat less formula would only work if you stick to plain water instead of colorful drinks available in the market. Eat simple and plain food instead of eating snacks and fast food.  Believe me, these are the only secrets that can reduce your weight. Drinks that contain sugar always increase your belly. If you want to keep your belly tight and within limits, always avoid sugar-containing drinks!

      Carry some weight: 

      If you want to reduce faster, you should try to lift some weight. I have seen people who lift weight regularly. They are slim and develop fewer fats instead of the people who never lift weight at all. People having backbone problems or other bone and joint-related ailments should avoid weight lifting as the situation may aggravate your problem instead of removing it. Weight lifting is a suitable as well as an easy method to reduce instantly. Bring diversity in weight lifting, yoga, treadmill & stretching, and continue it regularly if you are doing it to achieve the target.  

      Replace Fats & Starch with fruits and vegetables:

       If you want to reduce instantly, try to replace your diet items with one another. You can always stop eating pasta, rice, and bread and replace them with more fruits. Any seasonal fruit that is easily available would work, and increase vegetables and salad in your diet. This replacement will stop the weight you put on because of pasta, rice, and bread. People who take regular fast food twice or thrice a week should observe one day of fasting to maintain balance. 

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Cardio training programs

Let's put 3 examples of cardio training LISS, MISS, HIIT

Alternate the two activities by distributing them equally.

  • A MISS workout could be running for 20-30 minutes at a fatigue intensity of 7-8 out of 10

  • A HIIT workout is only suitable for highly trained people who can really reach high intensities. The classic example is the TABATA, where 8 sets of 20 "alternate with 10" recovery. The workouts can then vary by alternating intense series from short recoveries to 1 'of activity and 30' of recovery (obviously, in this case, the intensity will drop a lot).

Circuit cardio training

You can focus on "fat-burning" circuit training. This allows those who do not like to do endurance activities to still benefit from most of the aerobic workout's cardiovascular/respiratory/metabolic benefits. An example could be:

  • 10 American swing

  • 10 oarsman

  • 20 air squats

  • 10 push-ups

CARDIO FITNESS: Everything You Need To Know Before Practice

Cardio fitness comes from the word "cardio." This term indicates a rhythmic activity that increases vascular circulation (with an accompanying increase in the frequency of heartbeats) in the target area where you will burn more fat and calories.

Why practice this activity?

Cardio fitness allows you to lose a significant amount of weight (over 5% of body weight) or, in any case, to keep it stable. More than 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week should be practiced to achieve this goal, which does not even include strength training. Understanding cardio exercise may be what you need to motivate yourself to do it a little more often.

It takes time to build endurance for continuous exercise, so starting with 20 minutes of cardio fitness three times a week is recommended. The next steps will be to increase with a moderately intense workout 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, until reaching intense exercises for 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week.


    To improve endurance and conditioning, it will take several weeks to get to exercise more frequently. To enhance endurance and limit cramps caused by the release of lactic acid (what makes you stop exercising), you can help yourself with proper breathing between one exercise and another or during the same.

    If you are a heavy drinker of plain water, you can easily reduce weight if you have stopped and forbidden yourself from colorful drinks available in the market. If your sugar intake is minimum and in control and you have actively replaced your snacks with fruits and vegetables, you can reduce weight instantly, especially you can control your belly that comes out due to increased sugar intake. Regular meals and regular exercise can also be helpful factors to reduce weight. Walking and weight lifting are other helpful ways of shedding your body fats.